Servant Songs of Isaiah

by | Dec 28, 2017 | 03 Series, Favorites, Isaiah, Old Testament

A 12-week Bible study podcast on the Servant Songs from Isaiah

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Resources: Study Questions, Maps, Outlines & Background

01 Isaiah 6:1-13 Introduction to the Servant Songs

The Servant Songs are the prophecies of Christ, the servant who will come and suffer for his people. The book of Isaiah contains the fullest revelation of Christ in the Old Testament. These prophecies were written about 700 years before the birth of Christ. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on January 31, 2018.

02 Isaiah 40:1-11 Announcement of the New Kingdom

Isaiah announces the end of Israel’s exile, the birth of a new kingdom and the arrival of its King.  The Lord will send a voice to prepare the way for the coming King, encouraging all to repent. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on February 07, 2018.

03 Isaiah 40:12-31 Power Behind the Kingdom

This new kingdom is so powerful nothing will threaten it and it will stand forever because it is build by the word of the Lord. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on February 14, 2018.

04 Isaiah 42:1-9 Foundation of the Kingdom

The foundation of this new kingdom will be a suffering servant who will be everything Israel was intended to be and who will bring justice to the nations. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on February 21, 2018.

05 Isaiah 49:1-13 Ministry of the Servant

The Servant will not only restore the people of Israel, He will also bring salvation to all the nations. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on February 28, 2018.

06 Isaiah 50:4-11 School of the Servant

The Servant will be equipped with divine speech as he goes through the school of suffering. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on March 14, 2018.

07 Isaiah 52:13-53:6 Work of the Servant 1

Isaiah describes the work of the Servant and how his work will be received by the Lord, by the nations and by Israel. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on March 21, 2018.

08 Isaiah 53:7-12 Work of the Servant 2

Isaiah describes the work of the Servant and how his work will be received by the Lord, by the nations and by Israel. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on March 28, 2018.

09 Isaiah 54:1-10 Birth of a New Age

When the Servant finished his work of atonement, a new age will be born which promises a prosperity which far surpasses the prosperity of this age. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on April 04, 2018.

10 Isaiah 54:11-17 Birth of a New City

Isaiah speaks of a New City to demonstrate that what the Servant accomplished through his death and resurrection not only fulfilled the Old Covenant, but it far surpasses Israel’s grandest dreams. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on April 11, 2018.

11 Isaiah 55:1-5 Invitation to the Feast

In the Servant Songs, we saw that a Servant would come who would bear our iniquities and inaugurate a new age through his death and resurrection. Now Isaiah invites all to a banquet feast to celebrate and share in the reign of the Messianic King. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on April 18, 2018.

12 Isaiah 55:6-13 Invitation to Repent

We saw that the way into the feast was to listen and believe.  Now we’re going to see that part of that listening and believing is repentance. Teacher: Krisan Marotta on April 25, 2018.

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Photo by Jacob Meyer on Unsplash

Podcast Season 11, Episodes 1-12