Romans at a glance

by | Mar 22, 2018 | 02 Library, Charts NT, Romans

The apostle Paul writes to give his systematic presentation (including implications) of the good news of Jesus Christ, who as Messiah is the Savior for all  people, who as the Transformer of lives writes His Law on our hearts, and who as the Lord of history is carefully bringing this salvation to all nations — culminating in the full restoration of Israel.

Opening Greetings 1:1-17

  1. Rom 1:1-7 Greeting
  2. Rom 1:8-15 Expressions of Paul’s eagerness to share the gospel
  3. Rom 1:16-17 Theme of the Book: Gospel is the power of God for Salvation

Presentation of the Gospel 1:18-8:39

  1. Condemnation 1:18-3:20
    1. Rom 1:18-32 The ongoing revelation of God’s wrath
    2. Rom 2:1-16 The judgmental moralist
    3. Rom 2:17-3:8 The self-confident religious person
    4. Rom 3:9-20 The whole human race
  2. Pardon 2:31-5:21
    1. Rom 3:21-31 The explanation of justification
    2. Rom 4:1-25 The example of justification
    3. Rom 5:1-21 The results of justification
  3. Freedom to Glory 6:1-8:39
    1. Rom 6:1-23 Freedom from sin
    2. Rom 7:1-25 Freedom from law
    3. Rom 8:1-39 Freedom from futility

God’s Loyal Love to Israel 9:1-11:36

  1. Rom 9:1-33 Experienced in the past in God’s sovereign choice of Israel
  2. Rom 10:1-21 Not overruled by Israel’s present partial rejection
  3. Rom 11:1-36 Manifest in the future restoration of the nation

Practical Application 12:1-15:13

  1. Rom 12:1-21 Love expressed in service to the body
  2. Rom 13:1-14 Love expressed in subjection
  3. Rom 14:1-15:13 Love expressed in sensitivity to weaker believers

Personal Remarks 15:14-16

  1. Rom 15:14-33 Explanation of Paul’s current ministry
  2. Rom 16:1-27 Final greetings & remarks

Copyright 2005 Krisan Marotta.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Part of the series: Romans: Justification by Faith

More Resources: Romans Resources

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash