Romans Chapter Summary

by | Mar 29, 2018 | 02 Library, Romans

The apostle Paul writes to give his systematic presentation (including implications) of the good news of Jesus Christ, who as Messiah is the Savior for all people, who as the Transformer of lives writes His Law on our hearts, and who as the Lord of history is carefully bringing this salvation to all nations — culminating in the full restoration of Israel.

ChapterMain PointSummery Verse(s)
BookGod’s power guarantees salvation from sin for those who trust Him because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rom 1:16-17
1We sinned, we experience death, and God abandoned us to our sin and death. Rom 1:28
2Neither the moral nor the religious person is exempt from the disease of sin.  No one can be justified by keeping the law. Rom 2:13
3We can be justified by trusting that God will forgive us and make us holy because of Jesus’ death on the cross. Rom 3:23-24
4Abraham & David were justified by their faith, not by their works.  Because justification is based on a promise it is guaranteed, and open to everyone who believes. Rom 4:16-17
ChapterMain PointSummary Verse(s)
5:1-11Justification by faith gives us a reason to rejoice because we have been singled out by God to be made holy.  Our hope is guaranteed because our receiving the promise is up to God, not us. Rom 5:2-5
5:12-21 Adam created the problem (sin & rebellion) and Jesus provided the solution (grace). Rom 5:18
6:1-14 We should not continue to sin in order to glorify God because grace involves not only forgiveness for our sins but also setting us free from bondage to sin. Rom 6:5-6
6:15-7:6 Even though we are under grace, we have a deterrent from sin: death.  The law was not an effective deterrent from sin because it forced us to rely on our sinful selves to be holy. Rom 6:23
7:7:25 The Law is holy and good.  Without the Law, I would not have known how utterly sinful I am and how much I need a savior. Rom 7:9;
Rom 7:24
8:1-11 Faith in Jesus solves the problem of my sinfulness (when the Law couldn’t) because God gives me His Spirit by faith through grace. Rom 8:3-4
8:12-25 The Spirit of God confirms our status as believers by producing in us grief over our sin and longing for righteousness. Rom 8:23
8:26-39 Because of the Spirit’s work in our lives, we can have absolute confidence that everything that happens to us is in our best interest. Rom 8:28-29
ChapterMain PointSummary Verse(s)
9:1-13 Salvation is not based on natural advantages; nor does it depend on how “good” or “bad” we are.  Rather salvation is based on divine promise. Rom 9:8
9:14-33 God is perfectly justified in choosing some because he is sovereign, and none of us deserve salvation. Rom 9:15
10 The Jews sought God’s favor through self-effort while Gentiles sought God’s favor on the basis of grace. Rom 10:3-4
11 God did not reject His people, rather He sought to arose their jealousy through inclusion of the Gentiles. Rom 11:11-12
ChapterMain PointSummary Verse(s)
12:1-2 THEREFORE, serve God with your whole being. Rom 12:1
12:3-9 Think soberly and accurately about yourself. Rom 12:3
12:9-21 Be passionate and generous in serving others. Rom 12:9-10
13:1-7 Submit to those God has placed in authority over you Rom 13:1
13:8-14 Keep yourself free from debt and darkness so you are free to serve God. Rom 13:12
Accept those weaker in the faith:
1) Do not deliberately shock or offend them.
2) Give up your right when it threatens the peace or hinders growth of another. Be alert to judge yourself in that area.
3) Never act from doubt. Act only from conviction, by the Word, and by the Spirit of God.
4) Choose to please your neighbor rather than yourself.
5) Be careful that your giving in does not confirm your neighbor in his weakness, but encourages him to grow in the Lord.
Rom 14:13;

Rom 14:19;

Rom 15:20;
15:14-16 Paul reflects on his ministry and sends greetings from those in Corinth to those in Rome.

Copyright 2005 Krisan Marotta.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Part of the series: Romans: Justification by Faith

More Resources: Romans Resources

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash