When did the Exodus happen?

by | Oct 19, 2020 | 02 Library, Background & History, What is

When it comes to biblical history, you can divide scholars into two general camps: minimalists and maximalists. Minimalists believe almost nothing in the Old Testament is historically accurate. Maximalists believe the Old Testament is a reasonably accurate historical document.

Among the maximalists, there are two main competing theories about the date of the Exodus: early and late.

Disclaimer: This debate is complex. These notes only scratch the surface.

Early date – 1400s BC

Summary: Jacob went to Egypt 1876 BC; Exodus 1446 BC

  • This theory takes the biblical numbers at face value.
  • Solomon’s temple was built about 966 BC. (This date is generally agreed as “fixed” by scholars.)
  • 1Kings 6:1 tells us this was 480 years after Exodus. This means the Exodus occurred in 1446 BC.
  • The Israelites were in Egypt 430 years (Exodus 12:41; Acts 7:6). This means they arrived in 1876 BC.
  • Proponents: David Rohl; Bryant Wood; John Bimson
  • The documentary, Patterns of Evidence: Exodus by Timothy Mahoney, makes the case for the early date.

Late Date – 1200s BC

Summary: Jacob went to Egypt 1640 BC; Exodus 1210 BC

Factors in the debate

Arguments for the 1200s:

  • Some archaeologists believe the cities the Israelites conquered during the time of Joshua do not have burn layers at the 1400 BC levels.
  • Archaeologists believe the cities of Rameses and Pithom mentioned in Exodus 1:11 did not exist until 1200s.
  • The cities of Rameses and Pithom were built by slave labor. Scholars think slaves were only used in Egypt about 150 years (1270-1120 BC).
  • Rameses II (1290-1224 BC) built many projects in the east Delta using bricks.
  • Hoffmeier argues there are at least three “biblical” chronologies (e.g. the List of Judges totals at least 633 years from Exodus to temple; and the Septuagint (LXX) numbers differ from the Masoretic text numbers).

Arguments for the 1400s:

  • The city of Rameses is the same as the older city of Avaris. The author of Hebrews uses the newer name “Rameses” because that is the name his readers would be familiar with.
  • There is archaeological evidence that a large tribe of Semitic shepherds lived at Avaris in the 1400s.
  • Archaeologists have found an Egyptian-style palace at Avaris: a large house given only to someone the state wished to honor. The palace courtyard contains 12 graves with memorial chapels on top. One of of these graves was a Pyramid tomb. (Pyramids were reserved for kings and queens.) In this pyramid was a large statue of a Semitic man with a multi-colored coat but the tomb was empty. This palace is believed to be the house of Joseph.
  • At the end of the famine all the wealth was concentrated in the hands of the Pharaoh (Genesis 47:23-26). This shift from power distributed across “Nomes” (districts) to the Pharaoh occurs during the Middle Kingdom, perhaps placing the famine in the reign of Amenemhat III.
  • Some scholars believe the dates of the the Egyptian Old, Middle and New Kingdoms should be shifted 200 years. If this is true, the dates of the Middle Kingdom align with the archaeological evidence that places the Exodus in 1450.

See: Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Maps – Route of the Exodus

Route of the Exodus – StudyLight.org

Route of Exodus from Egypt – Insightforliving

Route of Exodus – Holman Bible Atlas

Route of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt – Biblehistory.com

Tabernacle Diagram

Flavius Josephus: The Antiquities of the Jews

BOOK II. Containing The Interval Of Two Hundred And Twenty Years. From The Death Of Isaac To The Exodus Out Of Egypt.

CHAPTER 9. Concerning The Afflictions That Befell The Hebrews In Egypt, During Four Hundred Years.

CHAPTER 10. How Moses Made War With The Ethiopians.

CHAPTER 11. How Moses Fled Out Of Egypt Into Midian.

CHAPTER 12. Concerning The Burning Bush And The Rod Of Moses.

CHAPTER 13. How Moses And Aaron Returned Into Egypt To Pharaoh.

CHAPTER 14. Concerning The Ten Plagues Which Came Upon The Egyptians.

CHAPTER 15. How The Hebrews Under The Conduct Of Moses Left Egypt.

CHAPTER 16. How The Sea Was Divided Asunder For The Hebrews, When They Were Pursued By The Egyptians, And So Gave Them An Opportunity Of Escaping From Them.

GotQuestions.org: Is there any evidence of the exodus?

Study Resources: Exodus

Photo by Mariam Soliman on Unsplash

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