02 There and Back Again: The Strange Journeys of the Glory of God

by | Dec 9, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Ezekiel

The second of three plenary addresses given by Dr. Erika Moore during the 2009 Women in the Word Workshop, October 1 2009 Dr. Erika Moore is a Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean at Trinity School for Ministry. She is also one of my favorite teachers, especially when she teaches on the Old Testament.

I am grateful to link to a small portion of her work here on Wednesday in the Word. The following notes are from her handout.

In the year Ezekiel should have started his priestly duties, he was in exile in Babylon. Instead the Lord gave him a vision. What exactly did Ezekiel see?


  • Genre: visionary narrative (the second of four recorded in the book)
  • Ezekiel’s visions are “stylized representations of reality intended to make a particular point” (Iain Duguid, Ezekiel, NIV Application Commentary, page 136).
  • Organizational structure
  • The mindset of Ezekiel’s exilic audience
    • Interpretation of Scripture
    • Interpretation of history
    • Influence of contemporary preaching
    • Current political affairs

What exactly did Ezekiel see?

  • Temple tour revealing cultic abominations (chapter 8)
  • Judgment on the city from earthly perspective (chapter 9)
  • Judgment on the city from heavenly perspective (chapter 10)
  • Violence in the city revealed; promise for the exiles (chapter 11)

The incremental departure of the Glory of Yahweh

  • The Glory of the Lord is His active and visible presence in the midst of His people.
  • The Glory of the Lord in the Tabernacle
  • The Glory of the Lord in Solomon’s Temple.
  • The Glory of the Lord in Ezekiel 8-11.
  • Where do we next read about the Glory of the Lord?
  • The Glory of the Lord and the Second Temple
  • The Glory of the Lord in the NT
  • The Glory of the Lord in the Church
  • The Glory of the Lord in the New Heavens and the New Earth

Next: 03 Did God Lie to Israel? Understanding Ezekiel’s vision of the future in light of its fulfillment in Christ

Previous: 01 Introduction to the Prophets 

Series: Erika Moore Collection

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash