Wednesday in the Word podcast

The podcast that explains what the Bible means and how we figure it out.

Wednesday in the Word is the longest-running Bible study podcast in the world, offering clear, in-depth teaching with no ads, no donation requests, just free, accessible Bible study for all.

Each episode breaks down Scripture in plain language, unpacking the author’s meaning while showing you how to study the Bible for yourself.

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Wednesday in the Word Podcast: Listen to the Latest Episodes

13 The Bread of Life (John 6)

13 The Bread of Life (John 6)

John 6 opens with two famous miracles: feeding 5,000 people and Jesus walking on water. What makes this chapter intriguing is John does not focus on the miracles, but on their aftermath—the dialogue that follows.

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Celebrating 25 seasons of the Wednesday in the Word podcast

The longest running Bible Study podcast in the world

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