Miracles of Elijah & Elisha

by | Mar 26, 2021 | 02 Library, Charts OT, Kings

A comparison of the miracles of Elijah and Elisha recorded in 1&2 Kings.

ElijahScripture Reference(s)ElishaScripture
Predicted drought (thus famine) 1Kings 17:1.Predicted famine2Kings 8:1.
fed miraculously:
– by ravens;
– by widow.
1Ki 17:4-7;
1Ki 17:8-16.
fed others 
– purified water;
– purified stew;
-multiplied 20 loaves.
2Ki 2:19-22;
2Ki 4:38-41;
2Ki 4:42-44.
Raised the dead:
-widow’s son
1Ki 17:17-24.Raised the dead: son of Shunamite 2Ki 4:18-37.
Parted Jordan 2Ki 2:8.Parted Jordan2Ki 2:14.
Miraculous “death” 
(chariot of fire)
2Ki 2:11.Miracle after death: bones raised dead man2Ki 13:21.
fire on captain & 50
2Ki 1:9-12Curses:
– bears mauled boys;
– Gehazi’s leprosy 
2Ki 2:23-25;
2Ki 5:20-27.
Other prayers:
– fire on Mt. Carmel;
– rain 
1Ki 18:36-38;
1Ki 18:41-46.
Others prayers: blinded Aramean raiders 2Ki 6:8-23
– judgment on Ahab for Naboth’s vineyard;
-judgment on Ahaziah.
1Ki 21:17-29; 2Ki 1:1-16.Prophecy:
– Shunamite would have a son;
– Samarian siege would end
– Hazael next king of Syria;
– Jehoash: arrows of victory
2Ki 3:4-27;
2Ki 6:24-7:20;
2Ki 8:7-15;
2Ki 13:14-19
– mantle on Elisha 
1Ki 19:19-21Appointment:
– anoint Jehu 
2Ki 9:1-3
Other  miracles 
– Oil for widow;
– Naaman healed;
– Axe Head floated 

2Ki 4:1-7;
2Ki 5:1-19;
2Ki 6:1-7,

Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash