How to slow down a podcast

by | Oct 2, 2022 | Announcements, News

My international listeners tell me they sometimes have trouble keeping up, because English is not their first language. If you find you aren’t catching everything, try following along with the lecture notes while listening. You can find the lecture notes on the link below each podcast or on this website (

You can slow down the podcast. The instructions below apply to iOS devices (like the iphone), but most podcast apps have a speed adjustment.

Look at the screen when you start the podcast. You’ll see a small button on the far left of the playback controls. This number is the speed control. It normally displays “1x”.

If you tap it once, the playback speed will increase to 1.5x the normal rate.

Two taps will increase to 2x or double the normal rate.

If you tap it a third time, the rate will drop to “1/2x” or half the normal rate.

A fourth tap will get you back to normal.

The playback speed defaults to 1x whenever you start a new podcast, so you’ll need to adjust it every time you listen. Fortunately, it’s quickly changed.

Photo by Rasheed Kemy on Unsplash