How to handle too many announcements

by | Mar 24, 2018 | 02 Library, Examples

As a ministry leader, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by announcements.  Any time you have a large group meeting, it seems everyone has a great cause that needs announcing.   Runaway announcements seems to be a particular problem of running a women’s ministry.  How do you handle it? What kind of limits should you put in place?  After 25 years, in women’s ministry, here’s the policy I’ve found best.

Example Policy


Our Bible study is part of women’s ministries whose mission statement is to provide Bible study, fellowship and discipleship for the women of our church and community.  We want to stick to our mission rather than being a repository for everyone’s favorite ministry.  Additionally, we don’t want Bible study attenders to feel as though they are the “woman power” for any and all worthy causes that the church sponsors (i.e. event meals, youth group meeting snacks, nursery needs, funerals and receptions, etc).   Therefore:


  1. Bible Study participants are free to share projects, causes and events with their small group.  We actively encourage serving others together as a small group.
  2. We will make announcements for any women’s ministry event
  3. We will announce general church information only if it is something the women need to know.
  4. We will not announce outside projects, events, causes etc. to the large group.  Nor will we recruit for other causes.
  5. We will gladly make the information available to the group by putting flyers, posters, sign-up sheets, etc. on the registration table and/or bulletin board.
  6. Announcements should be cleared with the MC before the morning begins.  “Surprise” announcements will need to wait until the following week.

Please email me and let me know how this worked for you or ways you changed and improved it.

More resources for Ministry Leaders

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