August 2020 Reflections

by | Aug 30, 2020 | News, Reflections

Have you noticed I’m posting a new resource on the website almost daily now? Wondering why? I’ve collected a treasure trove of Bible Study information over the years. All that information has been sitting in a dark file cabinet, not doing anyone any good.

One of my “quarantine projects” is scanning and tossing the paper, and turning the information into a post that I can share with you — making it searchable and accessible. I’ve enjoying re-learning and re-living the memories and I hope you’re finding the information helpful, too!

Have you been missing the podcast? Me, too. My new podcast starts in September!

New Series: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Starting September 9, this new 10-week series explores what both the Old and New Testament teach us about the Holy Spirit.


New lecture notes for the Questions Jesus Asked series:

NEW Bible Study Resources:

I now have a resource page for every book in the New Testament!  I expect to complete a resource page for all the Old Testament books this fall.

New Bible Study 101:

My remaining 2020 goal is to pass 150,000 downloads (currently 137,987).
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Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

I need your help: Please tell a friend about the podcast — but more importantly encourage them with something you learned.   Thanks for listening!

Next: September 2020

Previous: July 2020

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash