18 Jesus heals the Man Born Blind (John 9)

18 Jesus heals the Man Born Blind (John 9)

In John 9, Jesus heals on the Sabbath again, provoking the Jewish leadership. John highlights a variety of responses to this miracle, contrasting spiritual and physical blindness. The blind man now sees, but more importantly he has faith.

What is Lent?

What is Lent?

What is Lent? Is it an official Christian holiday? Was it instituted in the Bible? What — if anything — is required of believers during Lent?

What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

It’s February. Approximately one-third of those who started a Bible reading plan in January abandon it by February. By May that number will drop to half. What if you are one of the statistics?

How do I study the Bible

How do I study the Bible

How do I study the Bible? Wondering how to get started studying the Bible? There’s no one right way. You can jump in anywhere. But here are a few suggestions to get you moving.
30 Tips to improve your Bible Study

30 Tips to improve your Bible Study

Has your Bible study become routine? Do you find yourself glancing at the clock to see if you’re done yet? Did you make a resolution to read through the Bible in a year or study something new this year but find yourself never making the time? Here are 30 tips to get you back on track.