Read through the Psalms in 30 days
Reading through the psalms can change your life! Here’s a plan to read through the psalms in 30 days.
Reading through the psalms can change your life! Here’s a plan to read through the psalms in 30 days.
Gospel of John: Believe and Find Life. An 24-week Bible study podcast series on the Gospel of John from Wednesday in the Word
Psalm 143 is about being in the deepest blackest pit of despair and finding God anyway. It’s about depression, but the particular depression and anguish you feel when you’re confronted with the consequences of your sin.
2024 highlights from Wednesday in the Word. The Gospel of John marked season 25.
Have you decided to read through the Bible as one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s a great selection of updated plans to help you keep that resolution.
Wishing you an “exceptionally good Christmas” and the true joy of the season that only the peace of God in hearts can bring.
Enjoy this is a 22 minute Christmas concert from Reggie Coates.
To help you celebrate, here are some of my favorite Christmas resources.
The angel tells Joseph something about this son Mary will have. Who does the angel say this child is?
How can anything that fits under a Christmas tree transform the recipient’s life from misery to joy?