Who are you listening to?

Who are you listening to?

Today we often seek preachers who tell us stories, make us laugh, and tickle our ears with poetry and platitudes. We would rather listen to Jon Stewart than Jonathan Edwards. We ought to think critically about how far we have slipped down the slope of valuing style over substance.

How to prepare teaching notes

How to prepare teaching notes

Ultimately, how you handle your speaking notes will depend on personal preference. As you experiment, here are some ideas that may help you find your style and prepare like a pro.

What is sanctification?

What is sanctification?

As a new believer, I was confused about sanctification. My rather simple understanding was sanctification means your “sin-meter” is going down.

Easter: Why the resurrection is important

Easter: Why the resurrection is important

On Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It matters whether something is real or not. It also matters whether an idea is true or not. The historical fact is Jesus rose from the dead, and it makes a difference that he did. 

Has God said? The role of personal revelation in Bible study

Has God said? The role of personal revelation in Bible study

You’ve probably heard a teacher, pastor or preacher say something to the effect “and then God told me.” What’s up with that? What role does personal experience and/or personal revelation play in Bible study? For me, the bottom line is: Scripture takes precedence over emotions and experience; and teachers ought to strive for accuracy and precision in their language. Here are the guidelines I use when teaching.

March 2023 Reflections

March 2023 Reflections

I avoided teaching 1&2Thessalonians for a long time, because of the passages on the end times (e.g 1Thessalonians 4 and 2Thessalonians 2). But I wanted to teach them because of Paul’s advice for living your life now in 1Thessalonians 4-5. Those passages seem particularly applicable in today’s upside world. I hope you learn as much as I did.