Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful for your involvement with Wednesday in the Word.
14 Who is Jesus? (John 7)
Who is Jesus? The people respond with belief, confusion and awe over Jesus’ teachings. These responses reflect our complex relationship to truth.
Barnabas: The High Calling of Playing Second Fiddle
Barnabas is an great example of the incredible good you can do when you don’t care who gets credit.
13 The Bread of Life (John 6)
John 6 opens with two famous miracles: feeding 5,000 people and Jesus walking on water. What makes this chapter intriguing is John does not focus on the miracles, but on their aftermath—the dialogue that follows.
Miriam: How to handle resentment
How do you handle it when life isn’t fair? It’s easy to grow frustrated with our own lot in life and resent those who seem to have it better. Consider the story of Miriam.
12 Sabbath Conflict and the Authority of Jesus (John 5)
Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath. Instead of marveling at this miracle, the Jewish leaders are incensed by the violation of their strict Sabbath laws.
7 Habits of Failed Leaders
Failed CEOs shared these 7 habits. What about leaders in the church?
What is All Saint’s Day?
What is All Saint’s Day? All Saints’ Day is a time to celebrate heroes of the faith from scripture, as well as prominent figures in the early church.
October 2024 Reflections
October 2024 Reflections Thanks for your feedback! I read every email. You’re always welcome to send questions, comments and thoughts. I especially love hearing from other Bible teachers, pastors and small group leaders about how you incorporate what...11 True Worship: The Woman at the Well, Part 2 (John 4)
While exploring his theme of belief, John teaches us about worship and hungering for God’s will.
New Testament Jewish culture
The New Testament authors assume their readers are familiar with the Jewish culture in their day. Here are some of the basics