Introduction to the Northern Kingdom

Introduction to the Northern Kingdom

After the death of King Solomon, two of his sons, Rehoboam and Jeroboam, fought for the throne. When Rehoboam harshly raised taxes on the people, the 10 northern tribes rebelled and installed Jeroboam as their king, creating the northern kingdom of Israel. The two southern tribes, Benjamin and Judah, remained with Rehoboam and became the kingdom of Judah.

Gospel of Matthew 8-12: Behold the King!

Gospel of Matthew 8-12: Behold the King!

After the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew focuses our attention on the miracles of Jesus. Having shown us that Jesus speaks with the authority of God, Matthew now shows us that Jesus also acts with the authority of God, by performing miracles only God can perform. The miracles confront us with the question: will we believe Jesus is who he says he is?

May 2022 Reflections

May 2022 Reflections

No new podcasts this month as I’m busy preparing for the Gospel of Matthew Part 2.  I’m planning to cover chapters 8-12 which will take us through the next major discourse of Jesus. We’ll be talking about authority a lot.

Who were the Zealots?

Who were the Zealots?

The Zealots were a revolutionary movement that arose in response to Jewish oppression by the Roman empire (but they were not the only revolutionary movement).

Sample Leader Evaluation Form

Sample Leader Evaluation Form

When you recruit feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year, don’t forget to solicit feedback from your leaders. If you are blessed to have dedicated leadership returning year after year, you may want to keep it short. Here’s an example we’ve used at Wednesday in the Word. This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework. Customize it to fit your programs.

April 2022 Reflections

April 2022 Reflections

After studying the Sabbath, it seems appropriate take a break from the podcast. Then we’ll resume our study of the Gospel of Matthew. We’ll pick up in chapter 8 where Matthew begins to highlight the authority of Jesus.

Did Jesus change the Sabbath?

Did Jesus change the Sabbath?

How did Jesus had to our understanding of what should we do or not do on the Sabbath? He taught that Sabbath is a rest that is given, not earned, and that our “job” is to enjoy it, not to live up to it.