August 2021 Reflections

August 2021 Reflections

The Wednesday in the Word podcast is on break to celebrate the arrival of my newest grandchild! We’ll return to the Gospel of Matthew in mid-September. We finished the beatitudes We’ll pick up with the “Antitheses.”

Understanding Prophecy

Understanding Prophecy

Studying biblical prophecy is an often overwhelming task. Much of it is written in Hebrew poetry. The names and places are foreign, and the metaphors don’t always resonate with our modern ears. Yet we can usually understand the main point. If studying an Old Testament prophet overwhelms you, here are some tips to get you started.

What is saving faith and why is it so important?

What is saving faith and why is it so important?

Saving faith is the permanent, ongoing trust in God that one day He will free me completely from all the consequences and effects of sin because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Saving faith itself is a gift from God and it involves 4 things.

Family break 2021

Family break 2021

The podcast is on break to celebrate the arrival of my newest grandchild. We’ll return to the Gospel of Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount in mid-September.

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:1-12 Summary

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:1-12 Summary

The beatitude describe people who have saving faith and will inherit a place in the kingdom of God. Upon conversion, we don’t start perfectly, courageously and consistently displaying all these qualities of poor in spirit, meek, mourning and so forth. Rather as we grow in faith, we grow in these qualities.

July 2021 Reflections

July 2021 Reflections

WitW: Do you interpret the Bible literally? I’m often asked as if no self-respecting adult would do such a thing. Of course, I do! Interpreting the Bible literally means interpreting it according to the way it was written.