Empires of the Ancient World

Empires of the Ancient World

Over the course of biblical history, the children of Israel were challenged, threatened and conquered by several other ancient empires. Understanding something about those empires can inform your biblical understanding.

5Ws and H

5Ws and H

You may have been taught to create a list of questions, using the “5Ws and H” (who, what, when, where, why, how). If you need some help learning how to use the “5Ws and H”, here are some questions to get you started.

May 2021 Reflections

May 2021 Reflections

1st major section done! Deep dive into the beatitudes. Tell me what you’ve learned from the Gospel of Matthew so far. I’ll include a few favorites in next month’s email. (This should be fun!)

How the Apostles died

How the Apostles died

Scripture records the deaths of only 2 apostles: James (Acts 12:1-2) and Judas Iscariot (Matthew 27:5). Most of what we know about the deaths of the other apostles comes from early christian writers and church tradition. Most scholars think the Apostle John is the only apostle who died of natural causes. The exact dates are unknown, most are estimates.

16 Matthew 5:1-3 Poor in Spirit

16 Matthew 5:1-3 Poor in Spirit

Unlike those who are self-satisfied and see themselves as spiritually rich, the poor in spirit know that they are morally bankrupt and nothing in this world can give them what they truly need. This knowledge is a core conviction of saving faith.

How to listen to a podcast

How to listen to a podcast

Despite the popularity of podcasts today, many people don’t know how to get started listening. Don’t be embarrassed! Ironically, because there are so many different ways to listen, getting started is confusing. Anyone can click on a YouTube video or google a website, but where do you find podcasts? Here are some tutorials.

Israel’s 3 Temples

Israel’s 3 Temples

Israel had 3 temples during its Old & New Testament time period. The original temple was built by Solomon. After the exile, a second temple was built under Zerubbabel. Finally, Herod the Great expanded and enlarged the temple during his reign.