Land in the Old Testament

Land in the Old Testament

Land is an important theme in the Old Testament. “Land” is the fourth most frequent noun in the Old Testament. Mankind was created from and is sustained by the land. God gave Israel the land as a gift. Land was always associated with life.

New Testament Canon: Why these books?

New Testament Canon: Why these books?

Scholars have attacked Christianity by claiming that Christians don’t know which books should belong to the New Testament canon and which ones shouldn’t. If we don’t know the answer to why these 27 books, then we do have a problem. But it’s not the Achilles heel of Christian faith that critics claim it is. We Christians do have an answer.

Who was Mark?

Who was Mark?

John Mark was a companion of both Paul and Peter, and a cousin of Barnabas and the author of one of the four gospels.

Theology Articles

Theology Articles

Theology: Articles on theology, heresy, doctrine and life from the Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know

Christmas Articles

Christmas Articles

Christmas Articles: Thoughts on real meaning of Christmas, gift-giving and celebrations from Wednesday in the Word.

Cases – Biblical Greek

Cases – Biblical Greek

The different functions words can perform in a sentence are called cases. In Greek, case — not word order — indicates the word’s function in a sentence, making it important to understand cases.