02 Matthew 1:1-17 Genealogy of Jesus

02 Matthew 1:1-17 Genealogy of Jesus

Writers are usually told to start their books with a hook that will immediately engage their readers. Matthew begins his gospel with a list of names. Could anything be more boring? Yet Matthew did start with a bang. This list is relevant to every human being who ever lived. 

New Testament History from Alexander to Titus

New Testament History from Alexander to Titus

When the Old Testament ends, Israel is under control of the Persian empire. When the New Testament begins, Israel is under Roman control. The switch occurred because of Alexander the Great. This historical background helps explain the political situation at the time of the New Testament.

01 Gospel of Matthew Introduction

01 Gospel of Matthew Introduction

Jesus claimed that “all authority in heaven and on earth” has been given to him (Mt 28:18). If that’s true, and I believe it is, then we benefit by learning all we can about Jesus. Matthew wrote this gospel to tell us who Jesus is and what that means for us.

January 2021 Reflections

January 2021 Reflections

Teaching through a gospel has long been on my teaching “bucket list”. I decided to tackle Matthew’s Gospel because he is famous for his use of the Old Testament and including 5 long discourses from Jesus.