01 Gospel of John Introduction

01 Gospel of John Introduction

This episode kicks off a new season on the Gospel of John. We delve into the what we know about the author, the Apostle John, and review the unique characteristics of this gospel, as compared to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke).

Making the most of registration forms

Making the most of registration forms

Registration is a chance to collect valuable information about your participants that can help you build small groups, evaluate the success of your program and plan for the future. Here are some questions you might want to include on your registration forms.

Example Forms: First Day Sign up

Example Forms: First Day Sign up

The first day of Bible study typically requires a lot of teamwork and cooperation. You probably need leaders to sign up for both refreshments and tasks. Here’s two example sign up forms.

Small Group Ground Rules Sample

Small Group Ground Rules Sample

When starting new small groups, it’s helpful to establish expectations up front with a clear set of ground rules. Here’s a sample we’ve developed over 25 years of ministry.