Aug 2, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
This question is the turning point of the story. So far in Mark’s gospel, the primary focus of Jesus’ teaching revealing his authority as the Son of Man and the Servant of God. Having established his identity, Jesus now prepares his disciples for what he came to do.
Aug 1, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
The passage contains several questions which all revolve around seeing and not seeing, culminating with Jesus asking a blind man if he sees anything.
Jul 31, 2020 | News, Reflections
While working on my upcoming series “Who is the Holy Spirit,” I’ve been revising, creating and updating my Bible study resources pages. I hope you’re finding them useful! I’m adding several new sections to the resources, including basic introductory information, free journal articles online and answers to basic questions.
Jul 30, 2020 | 02 Library, Introductions
How the letters in the New Testament came to be there
Jul 29, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
Jesus asks this question of his disciples. He highlights a specific area of concern: what makes a person unclean?
Jul 28, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book
Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study both Paul’s second epistle to Timothy.
Jul 28, 2020 | 02 Library, Quotations
The New Testament is our divinely inspired commentary on the Old Testament. When studying a passage, it’s often helpful to see how other biblical authors understood it. Here is are the Apostle Paul’s quotes of the Old Testament in his letters.
Jul 27, 2020 | 02 Library, Introductions
Why study the Old Testament? It’s the Scriptures that Jesus used.
Jul 26, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
The feeding of the 5000 is the only story — other than Jesus’ last week on earth — which is found in all 4 gospels. It is mentioned in several other passages as well. Even though it’s part of a familiar story, this question is one of the more obscure questions that we’ll cover.
Jul 25, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
As we journey through Mark, the evidence is mounting that Jesus is the Messiah. First, he claimed to have the authority to forgive sins. Then we saw him deal with an overwhelming external storm and an overwhelming internal storm, followed by a debilitating physical illness. With this question, he confronts the final enemy: death.
Jul 24, 2020 | 01 Podcasts, Mark
This question is addressed to the woman whose period didn’t end for 12 years. She was ritually unclean, isolated, sick and living a life that was going from bad to worse with no hope on the horizon. She touched Jesus in hopes of being healed physically, but Jesus stopped and offered her spiritual healing and a place in the community of believers.
Jul 23, 2020 | 02 Library, Quotations
Quotations/Allusions to the Old Testament books of Joshua 1&2Samuel, 1&2Kings, 1&2Chronicles and Job in the New Testament