James: The Gospel in Shoe Leather

James: The Gospel in Shoe Leather

If I could sum up James, in one verse, it would be Luke 6:46: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” The central question of the book of James is: Are you living what you claim to believe?

What is worship?

What is worship?

If you think that worship equals singing, A Taste of Heaven: Worship in the Light of Eternity by RC Sproul is a must-read book for you.

Questions Jesus Asked

Questions Jesus Asked

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would ask a question, especially one he already knows the answer to? This series looks at the places where Jesus asks a question in the Gospel of Mark.



There’s nothing like the Christmas season to force you to face the fact that life is often neither joyful nor triumphant. It raises the question, what is the true meaning of Christmas?

You won’t always be pretty

You won’t always be pretty

I remember clearly the day I became invisible. Walking through the mail with my teenagers, all the females were noticing my son and and the males were noticing my daughter.

Why we have 4 Gospels

Why we have 4 Gospels

A good teacher tailors her presentation to her audience. The same is true of the four New Testament gospels. Each gospel writer had a different audience in mind and tailored his presentation of the story to his audience.

Psalm 143: Dealing with depression

Psalm 143: Dealing with depression

Psalm 143 is about being in the deepest blackest pit of despair and finding God anyway. It’s about depression, but the particular depression and anguish you feel when you’re confronted with the consequences of your sin.