The Dividing Line

The Dividing Line

The Apostle Paul divides humanity by one thing: those who belong to God and those who don’t. It is the only distinction that matters.

Ephesians: Our New Life in Christ

Ephesians: Our New Life in Christ

Paul writes to instruct and exhort believers as to the full ramifications of their relationship with Jesus Christ, including what Christ accomplished on their behalf and the appropriate change in their lifestyle as a response.

Love & Hate

Love & Hate

How can the apostle John say love is a mark of believers and hate is a mark of non-believers? Even a cursory examination reveals that believers hate and non-believers love.

Do believers sin?

Do believers sin?

When I was a new Christian, I told another believer that I was struggling with controlling my temper. She told me that I was not a genuine Christian because if I was, I wouldn’t sin. If she is right, not only was I not a Christian then — I still am not a Christian now. When you discover two very different interpretations of the Bible, how do you decide who’s right?

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

How do you recognize a group which claims to represent genuine, apostolic Christianity but in reality does not? Here are 5 questions that separate “the sheep” from “the wolves.”