Agreeing with Young Atheists

Agreeing with Young Atheists

When Larry Alex Taunton of Fixed Point Foundation explored why many American college students are atheists, a “composite sketch” emerged — which I found I agreed with.

04 Romans 3 Objections Overruled

04 Romans 3 Objections Overruled

The disease of sin so damages the heart that nothing short of a heart transplant will cure the disease. Have you tried topical cures like serving the poor, church attendance, charity and bible study without submitting to actual conversion?

Romans: Justification by Faith

Romans: Justification by Faith

The apostle Paul writes to explain the good news of Jesus Christ, who as Messiah, is the Savior for all people; who as the Transformer of lives writes His Law on our hearts; and who as the Lord of history is carefully bringing this salvation to all nations — culminating in the restoration of Israel.

Who are you listening to?

Who are you listening to?

Today we often seek preachers who tell us stories, make us laugh, and tickle our ears with poetry and platitudes. We would rather listen to Jon Stewart than Jonathan Edwards. We ought to think critically about how far we have slipped down the slope of valuing style over substance.