11 James 5:1-11 Worldliness and Riches

11 James 5:1-11 Worldliness and Riches

In 5:1-11, James begins the conclusion of the book which is a call to repentance. As he calls for repentance, he returns to his 2 main examples of the kind of change repentance should bring about in our lives. Our speech and they way we handle wealth.

Questioning desire

Questioning desire

Desires play a key role in the life of faith. The question is how we handle our desires and whether we are willing to listen to what God says about them.

07 James 2:21-26 Do James and Paul agree, Part 2

07 James 2:21-26 Do James and Paul agree, Part 2

James 2:21-26 is the second half of the “problem” passage where it appears that the Apostles James and Paul disagree about how we are justified. The key to resolving the apparent contradiction is context. James and Paul are addressing two different questions.

06 James 2:14-20 Do James and Paul agree?

06 James 2:14-20 Do James and Paul agree?

James and Paul appear to contradict each other because they use the same vocabulary: faith, works and justification. Plus they both appeal to Abraham. But they use the same language in very different contexts to address different problems and answer different questions.