Bible Study 101: Reading list
Bible Study 101: Interpretation
Want to understand the Bible with clarity and confidence? These books provide the foundational principles you need to read, interpret, and study Scripture effectively. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your approach, this collection will help you navigate God’s Word with practical tools and timeless wisdom. Start your journey to deeper biblical understanding today!
Basics of Bible Interpretation, by Bob Smith a classic! great for the beginner. Now available FREE online, though I believe you can still buy a paper copy.
Knowing Scripture (Affliate Link), by RC Sproul is designed to help people master the basic rules of biblical interpretation.
How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth, (Affliate Link) by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart – this is a must have resource; no Bible student should be without and it now comes as an e-book. Re-read the chapter for your particular type of passage when you start a new study.
How to Get the Most from God’s Word (Affliate Link) by John MacArthur; free on
Living by the Book (Affliate Link) by Howard G Hendricks & William Hendricks – also available as an ebook and a video series. Don’t be intimidated by the size of the book. The writing is clear and engaging and you will learn a lot.
Living by the Book by Howard G. Hendricks. Available free on
The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study (Affliate Link) by Oletta Ward – a classic resource for small groups to work through together; teachers guide is also available.
The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study by Oletta Ward. Available free on
The Language of God: A Commonsense Approach to Understanding and Applying the Bible (Affliate Link) by David Crabtree — (out of print; but still can be found). This is a GREAT book for understanding the principles, methodology and philosophy of Bible study. The authors apply what they teach to a very difficult passage (James 5). The book is worth it just to understand James 5.
Exegetical Fallacies (Affliate Link) by D.A. Carson — this will challenge you to move your study skills to the next level.
The Thinking Toolbox: 35 lessons that will build your reasoning skills (Affliate Link) by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn and/or The Fallacy Detective: 35 lessons on how to recognize bad reasoning (Affliate Link) by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn. (While not specifically about Bible study, these books — written by homeschooled brothers for homeschoolers — are really useful for improving your critical thinking skills.)
Discover the Bible for Yourself by Arthur, Kay; free on
These 3 have been recommended to me, but I have not read them.
Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods (Affliate Link) by Rick Warren
How to Study Your Bible (Affliate Link) by Kay Arthur
Women of the Word (Affliate Link) by Jen Wilkin
Bible Study 101: Genres
The Bible is a rich collection of diverse literary styles—narrative, poetry, prophecy, wisdom literature, epistles, and gospels. To truly grasp its meaning, you need the right approach for each genre.
These books will equip you with the tools to interpret the different genres of Scripture accurately, helping you read historical accounts with context, understand poetic symbolism, and apply doctrinal truths with confidence. Whether you’re a new student of the Bible or looking to deepen your study, this reading list will guide you through the unique structure and purpose of each biblical genre.
New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes (Affliate Link) by FF Bruce.
Back towards the Future: Hints for Interpreting Biblical Prophecy (Affliate Link)by Walter Kaiser
He Gave us Stories: The Bible Student’s Guide to Interpreting Old Testament Narratives (Affliate Link) by Richard L Pratt Jr. This is the best book I’ve found on understanding the Old Testament
The Art of Biblical Narrative, (Affliate Link) by Robert Alter (also a great book on understanding the OT)
A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible (Affliate Link) by Leland Ryken and Tremper Longman III
Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Affliate Link) by Tremper Longman III (out of print, but still can be found)
How to Read the Psalms (Affliate Link) by Tremper Longman III
How to Read Proverbs (Affliate Link) by Tremper Longman III
Bible Study 101: Overviews & Theology
Build a strong foundation for your faith with books that provide a clear overview of the Bible and essential theological insights. This collection will help you see the big picture of Scripture, understand key doctrines, and grow in your knowledge of God’s Word. Whether you’re new to Bible study or looking to deepen your understanding, these resources will guide you every step of the way.
Ray Stedman’s Adventuring through the Bible
RC Sproul’s Overivew of the Bible
John MacArthur’s Introductions to each book of the Bible
What is Reformed Theology? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul — this book will help you begin to put all the pieces together
The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul — a must-read book, especially for new believers
Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology (DVD series) by RC Sproul
An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical and Thematic Approach (Affliate Link) by Bruce Waltke and Charles Yu — this book looks intimidating, but it’s worth it!
Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology (Audio Lectures)
Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology: An Introduction (complete book online) or hardcopy book (Affliate Link)
*Affliate Link means I earn a few cents on your Amazon purchase. It does NOT cost you any extra.
Photo by Jason W on Unsplash