Wednesday in the Word

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Judges of Israel Chart

Judges of Israel Chart

The book of Judges tells of the various leaders raised up to deliver Israel from the enemies remaining in the land after the conquest under Joshua. The Judges of Israel (c. 1375–1050 BC) came from various tribes and regions of Israel.

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What is Good Friday?

What is Good Friday?

Since churches have had to move their services online, I took advantage of the opportunity to “attend” about 10 different Good Friday services. This was my favorite.

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What are spiritual gifts?

What are spiritual gifts?

Contrary to the popular view, I understand spiritual gifts as roles and opportunities to serve, rather than supernaturally given talents. For example, if I have the “gift of teaching,” the gift is the opportunity to teach, not the talent to teach.

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(This article has been read 2,558 times; 93 today.)