Wednesday in the Word
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What is an apostle?
What makes an apostle of Jesus Christ an apostle? There are 4 qualifications.
Old Testament Books in Chronological Order
The Old Testament books in chronological order with the traditional dates. Chronological means the events recorded in the books took place during this period and/or the author wrote during this period.
How is the Old Testament organized?
In the Christian Bible, the Old Testament is divided into 4 main parts based on genre. Within each genre, books are organized by author, chronology and size.
Women in Authority: What the Bible says
These 5 passages are the most commonly discussed in debating the question of whether women should teach or have authority in the church.
What church positions are open to women?
This table shows the spectrum of church leadership roles available to women under the egalitarian and hard/soft complementarian views. Individual churches may vary in their practice.
What is a soft complementarian?
The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the soft complementarian position.
What is a hard complementarian?
The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the hard complementarian position.
What is an egalitarian?
The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the egalitarian position.
Should women have authority in the church?
Resources to help you answer the question: Should women teach and/or have authority in the church.
Leader Evaluation Sample
When you recruit feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year, don’t forget to solicit feedback from your leaders. If you are blessed to have dedicated leadership returning year after year, you may want to keep it short. Here’s an example we’ve used at Wednesday in the Word. This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework. Customize it to fit your programs.
Example First Day Sign up forms
The first day of Bible study typically requires a lot of teamwork and cooperation. You probably need leaders to sign up for both refreshments and tasks. Here’s two example sign up forms.
Hebrews’ use of the Old Testament
Hebrews frequently quotes more passages from the Old Testament but some of them are hard to identify. Here are the places where the author of Hebrews quotes the Old Testament.
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