Wednesday in the Word
Bible Study Resource Library
In addition to the podcast, Wednesday in the Word hosts an increasing collection of tools and information to further your understanding of Scripture. Browse the topics . Or if you’re looking for something specific, use the search bar.
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Bible Study Library Latest Articles
Habakkuk Bible Study Resources
Maps, charts, study guide – everything you need to study the book of Habakkuk.
When to tell a story in teaching
Teaching through stories is increasingly popular. But there is a downside. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls.
Small Group Dynamics: The Rule of “In”
In new groups, participants often seek connections through icebreaker questions. How we respond impacts the future community. I’ve learned to employ what I call the “Rule of In”.
45+ Sample Icebreakers
Tired of the same old icebreakers? Are you using the same 3 interesting facts about yourself at every gathering? Here are some sample icebreakers to kick start your thinking.
Plagiarism and Bible Teaching
You’ve probably heard the joke that the greatest insult you can give a Bible teacher is that your work is both original and good. Why is that funny? The part that’s original is not good, and the part that’s good is not original. The goal of Bible study is to be right, not original.
7 Things to Remember When You Invite an Event Speaker
Here’s advice from an expert on how not to burn out your retreat speaker.
Criteria for evaluating a ministry
How do you know when a ministry is working? Numbers do not always reflect an accurate picture. These questions will help.
What is the Glory of God?
When Paul writes in Ephesians 2 that believers are “growing into a holy temple in the Lord” and “being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”, he’s drawing on rich Old Testament history.
Ephesians Bible Study Resources
Everything you need to kick start your study of Ephesians: discussion questions, bible study tools, maps, charts, key words and podcasts.
John’s Letters Bible Study Resources
Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study John’s first epistle.
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