Wednesday in the Word
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Who was James?
There are 4 “James” in the New Testament and 2 of them are among the 12.
01 Gospel of Matthew Introduction
Jesus claimed that “all authority in heaven and on earth” has been given to him (Mt 28:18). If that’s true, and I believe it is, then we benefit by learning all we can about Jesus. Matthew wrote this gospel to tell us who Jesus is and what that means for us.
Prophets Chronological List
Prophets enforced the covenant between God and His People. Many people in Scripture prophesy occasionally but not all who do so hold the office of prophet. Therefore, scholars count the prophets differently.
Who was Paul?
Paul (Hebrew name: Saul) was an apostle of Jesus Christ and the author of most of the New Testament.
Weights and measures of the Bible
Ever wondered what a cubit is? When is the third watch? How much is a denarius, an omer or a talent? Here’s a chart of time, weights and measures found in Scripture and how to convert them.
Who was John?
John was one of the 12 apostles, the author of the fourth gospel, three letters, and the book of Revelation.
Who was Peter?
Peter (aka Simon Peter, Simon, Cephas) was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the author of 2 letter in the New Testament.
Who was Luke?
Luke was a Gentile physician who accompanied Paul on his travels and wrote the third gospel and Acts.
Miracles of Jesus
Not only was each healing an act of compassion and a foreshadowing of the greater healing to come, each miracle was testimony from God that Jesus is the Christ.
Sermon on the Mount vs Sermon on the Plain
Is the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) the same event as the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6)? Scholars are divided.
Land in the Old Testament
Land is an important theme in the Old Testament. “Land” is the fourth most frequent noun in the Old Testament. Mankind was created from and is sustained by the land. God gave Israel the land as a gift. Land was always associated with life.
New Testament Canon: Why these books?
Scholars have attacked Christianity by claiming that Christians don’t know which books should belong to the New Testament canon and which ones shouldn’t. If we don’t know the answer to why these 27 books, then we do have a problem. But it’s not the Achilles heel of Christian faith that critics claim it is. We Christians do have an answer.
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