Wednesday in the Word
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What is the difference between “Son of God” and “Son of man”?
In Scripture, Jesus is called both “Son of God” and “Son of Man”. What’s the difference? We may assume one refers to his divinity and one to his humanity, but it’s not that simple. In this classic clip, RC Sproul explains the difference.
Who was Mark?
John Mark was a companion of both Paul and Peter, and a cousin of Barnabas and the author of one of the four gospels.
New Testament Jewish Culture
Jesus spent a lot of time interacting with the Jewish culture of his day. The New Testament authors assume their readers are familiar with the Jewish culture in their day. Here are some of the basics.
Outline of the book of Joshua
Generally the Book of Joshua can be broken into three main sections.
Who was Matthew?
Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ and the author of the gospel that bears his name. He was a tax collector before following Jesus.
Introduction to the Jewish Feasts
Introduction to the Jewish Feasts – a summary of the seven feasts God commanded Old Testament Israel to celebrate.
What are the Sacraments?
What are the Sacraments? What’s the difference between the Protestant view of Sacraments and the Roman Catholic view? Rome has 7 sacraments, while Protestants have 2.
Coins in the Bible
What’s the difference between a shekel, a denarius, and a talent? They are all coins circulating at the time of the New Testament. But one was Jewish, one Greek, and one Roman. Here’s what they were worth in relation to each other.
Introduction to Covenants of the Bible
God made a series of special promises, which we call covenants. There are two kinds of covenants and 5 significant covenants in Scripture.
What was the Canaanite religion?
“Canaanite” refers to the group of polytheistic people living in the historical region of Israel and Palestine at the time of the Old Testament. Canaanite mythology centered around three primary exploits of Baal.
John’s use of the Old Testament
The Apostle John’s use of the Old Testament in his gospel and his letters.
Luke’s use of the Old Testament
Luke’s use of the Old Testament in his gospel and Acts.
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