Biblical Greek Basics

Learning biblical Greek can enrich your Bible study. Even a little knowledge of biblical Greek can help.

Biblical Greek Basics

How to use e-sword to parse a word

How to use e-sword to parse a word

Even if you don’t know biblical Greek or Hebrew, you can do a lot with the original languages, if you understand some basic grammar and have a few good tools.

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Cases – Biblical Greek

Cases – Biblical Greek

The different functions words can perform in a sentence are called cases. In Greek, case — not word order — indicates the word’s function in a sentence, making it important to understand cases.

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Grammar for Biblical Greek students

Grammar for Biblical Greek students

One way to understand Biblical Greek is comparing and contrasting it with English grammar. Lack of knowledge of English grammar can be an unexpected obstacle to learning biblical Greek. Here are some basics you may want to review before embarking on learning biblical Greek.

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Should I learn Greek & Hebrew?

Should I learn Greek & Hebrew?

After a few years of Bible study, students often begin asking, “Should I learn biblical Greek and Hebrew?” While the tools for English readers continue to improve and less people are learning the original languages, knowing the original languages can be helpful. You can learn enough to widen the tools available to you and/or learn to read Scripture in the original language.

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Verbs – Biblical Greek

Verbs – Biblical Greek

Bible Study software has made biblical Greek more accessible for those who never learned the language. Now with 1 click you can access the Greek word and its conjugation but what are you looking at? Here’s a helpful primer on Greek verbs.

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