
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

Psalm 27: A Goal worth having

Psalm 27: A Goal worth having

Psalm 27 teaches us that the one desire worth staking our life around is knowing God. Because if we have that, then we have everything worth having.

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Understanding Jesus

Understanding Jesus

When I was a new believer, the words of Jesus were baffling. Thankfully, I’ve grown to understand him. I have reached two conclusions about the teaching of Jesus.

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2022 Reflections

2022 Reflections

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I have reached the stage of life that Tevye dreamed about in his song “If I were a rich man.” This podcast allows me to spend many hours every day in prayer and Bible study, for which I am very thankful. Truth be told, I’d do it even if know one else listened. But it’s nice to be able to share the “wealth.”

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Why a Bible Study Podcast?

Why a Bible Study Podcast?

Why do a podcast on what the Bible means and how we know when we’re practically drowning in online sermons? Because Bible study is a lost art.

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25 Most Popular Icebreakers

25 Most Popular Icebreakers

Over my years as Women’s Ministry Director, I collected a lot of ice breakers. After all you can’t use the same 4 ice breakers at the same ministry events year after year. But when ones are best? According to research, these are the 25 most popular.

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December 2022 Reflections

December 2022 Reflections

Thanks to all of you who listened to all 65 episodes on the Gospel of Matthew! It’s been an incredible journey for me and I hope for you, too. What’s been your favorite part? Anything that surprised you? Something you never understood before? Anything make more sense now? I’d love to hear from you!

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Why Jesus came, a Christmas message

Why Jesus came, a Christmas message

The angel tells Joseph to take Mary as his wife because Mary is about to have a son through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then the angel also tells Joseph something about this son. Who does the angel say this child is?

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65 Matthew 12:22-50 A Tree and its fruit

65 Matthew 12:22-50 A Tree and its fruit

Each one of us must decide what to do with Jesus.  Sitting on the fence is not an option. The stumbling block is not lack of evidence.  The stumbling block is the stubbornness of our hearts.  In the end, we do not believe, because we do not want to believe.

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64 Matthew 12:15-21 Behold my Servant

64 Matthew 12:15-21 Behold my Servant

For the second time, Matthew quotes an Old Testament prophecy as predictive prophecy.  Isaiah says ‘Behold my servant’ and explains something about how the Servant will act. Matthew shows us this is out Jesus acted.

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