
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

Marks of false Teachers

Marks of false Teachers

A vital part of your Bible study arsenal is learning to recognize false teachers. Here are three interesting lists — both modern and classic — on how to discern a true teacher from a false teacher. Notice the similarities.

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60 Matthew 11:7-15 John the Baptist’s role

60 Matthew 11:7-15 John the Baptist’s role

Jesus was so different from the Messiah people expected, even John the Baptist had moments where he wondered if Jesus was the Messiah. If he’s really a prophet, how could John become confused?  In this passage, Jesus answers that question.

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What is All Saint’s Day?

What is All Saint’s Day?

What is All Saint’s Day? All Saints’ Day is a time to celebrate heroes of the faith from scripture, as well as prominent figures in the early church.

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October 2022 Reflections

October 2022 Reflections

After receiving direct revelation from God that Jesus was the Messiah, why did John the Baptist send his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the One? In his answer, Jesus basically says: “Focus on what I am doing, instead of what I’m not doing.” We’ll develop that theme of Jesus as the unexpected Messiah in Matthew 11.

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59 Matthew 11:1-6 Are you the one?

59 Matthew 11:1-6 Are you the one?

Matthew shifts his focus to the how people respond to Jesus. Most reject him.  Even John the Baptist becomes confused, because Jesus is not acting like the Messiah he expected.

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5 Questions to Identify a Cult

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

How do you recognize a group which claims to represent genuine, apostolic Christianity but in reality does not? Here are 5 questions that separate “the sheep” from “the wolves.”

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58 Matthew 10:40-42 Receiving a prophet

58 Matthew 10:40-42 Receiving a prophet

Jesus ends this discourse by telling the Twelve their role is like the prophets.  They are standing in the place of Jesus.  How people respond to the apostles reveals how they respond to Jesus.

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