
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

8-Minute Worship

8-Minute Worship

Enjoy this 8-minute video of Reggie Coates leading worship at a Sunday morning service with First Baptist Church in Watsonville, California.

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53 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Sending the Twelve

53 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Sending the Twelve

Matthew presents this initial sending of the Twelve as a first step toward their ultimate global mission. Even though they are to stay in Jewish territory on this journey, ultimately, Jesus is going to send them to the world.

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What does it mean to fear God?

What does it mean to fear God?

In biblical terms, the word “fear” does not usually focus on feelings of terror or fright.  “Fear” is a motivating emotion.  We use “fear” to determine what we will do in any given situation.

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Sheep in Scripture

Sheep in Scripture

Metaphors about sheep and their shepherd have a rich background in the Old Testament that continues in the New Testament. Without a shepherd, sheep can easily end up hungry, lost and the victim of predators.

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What is the nature of faith?

What is the nature of faith?

Some see faith as a settled issue, something we no longer have to think about once we pray the sinners prayer. Others see faith as a journey with trials and troubles along the way. The goal is to grow and persevere. Which approach we take influences how we interpret the Bible. (I take the second approach.)

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Home Concert Refresh

Home Concert Refresh

Enjoy a refreshing half hour of Reggie Coates sharing his own songs during one of his home concerts. May you be encouraged and reminded of essential truths.

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August 2022 Reflections

August 2022 Reflections

Did you know there is more to Wednesday in the Word than a podcast? The website contains over 1000 pages of free bible study tools and resources. As you resume your local bible studies, WitW can help you with your homework. I’ve got a resource page for each book of the Bible with links to tools, commentaries, outlines and articles. It’s all free and growing!

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Dictionaries & Lexicons Online

Dictionaries & Lexicons Online

After gathering an idea of the word’s meaning from your own study, it’s a good time to check the conclusions of other scholars and reference works. Here are some free online places to look.

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52 Matthew 9:27-34 Blind and mute

52 Matthew 9:27-34 Blind and mute

In these last two miracles, Matthew foreshadows the growing conflict with the Pharisees. While the crowds are excited and amazed, the Pharisees reject Jesus as working with the devil. Ultimately the unbelief of the Jewish leadership will be a crucial part of the story.

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Modern Commentaries Online

Modern Commentaries Online

You’re probably aware that many classic commentaries are free online, but did you know many modern commentaries (written after 1970) are also online?

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How to use e-sword to parse a word

How to use e-sword to parse a word

Even if you don’t know biblical Greek or Hebrew, you can do a lot with the original languages, if you understand some basic grammar and have a few good tools.

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