
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

Kings of Babylon in Biblical times

Kings of Babylon in Biblical times

The Babylonian Empire became a world power in 625 BC after the fall of Assyria. Babylon continued its reign until 536 BC. Nebuchadnezzar, its greatest king, reigned in the days of Daniel and took the southern Kingdom of Judah into captivity after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Babylon was finally captured by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus as predicted by the prophet Daniel, and the Babylonian Empire came to an end in 536 BC.

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14 Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the Mount Introduction

14 Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the Mount Introduction

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most important passages in Scripture, as it is a profound and unique body of teaching from the Messiah himself. Yet throughout church history, believers have found it difficult to agree on what this sermon means and how it is to be applied to our lives. In this introduction, I’ll contrast the different approaches to the Sermon on the Mount and explain which approach I take.

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Biblical Greek Basics

Biblical Greek Basics

Learning biblical Greek can enrich your Bible study. Even a little knowledge of biblical Greek can help. Check out these tools and tips.

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Jewish Day (1st Century) explained

Jewish Day (1st Century) explained

What does the first watch mean? What is the “third hour”? The Jewish day ran from sunset to sunset and was divided in 8 equal parts called watches and hours. Here’s what they mean.

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13 Matthew 4:12-25 Jesus’ Early Ministry

13 Matthew 4:12-25 Jesus’ Early Ministry

As Matthew closes this first section of his gospel, he highlights the Galilean nature of Jesus’ early ministry. Matthew summarizes Jesus’ early ministry as marked by healing and teaching.

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Greek Word Studies

Greek Word Studies

Greek Word Studies: Tools to help you study the Greek words in the New Testament from Wednesday in the Word

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April 2021 Reflections

April 2021 Reflections

In May, we’ll start the beatitudes from the Sermon on the mount. We’ll talk about what they mean and how Jesus expects us to respond.

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How to do a word study

How to do a word study

Word studies are one of the basic tools of Bible study. With today’s tools, you don’t have to know Greek and Hebrew to do a good word study. Here’s how.

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12 Matthew 4:8-11 3rd Temptation: Bow Down

12 Matthew 4:8-11 3rd Temptation: Bow Down

Satan offers Jesus a shortcut to gaining the blessings God has promised him. But idolatry is looking to someone or something other than God to grant us Life. For each of the temptations, we’ll answer 3 questions: Why is the choice wrong? Why is the choice attractive?...

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