
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

01 Introduction to the Prophets

01 Introduction to the Prophets

3 reasons why we don’t study the prophets: they’re weird, confusing and they all sound alike. Here’s why it is important to study the prophets.

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New Testament Jewish Culture

New Testament Jewish Culture

Jesus spent a lot of time interacting with the Jewish culture of his day. The New Testament authors assume their readers are familiar with the Jewish culture in their day. Here are some of the basics.

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Guest Teacher: Erika Moore

Guest Teacher: Erika Moore

Dr. Erika Moore is a Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean at Trinity School for Ministry. She is also one of my favorite teachers, especially when she teaches on the Old Testament.

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November 2020 Reflections

November 2020 Reflections

Meet one of my favorite OT teachers. I’m excited to feature Dr. Erika Moore on the podcast. She is one of my favorite OT teachers, and I think you’ll love her, too.

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Who was Matthew?

Who was Matthew?

Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ and the author of the gospel that bears his name. He was a tax collector before following Jesus.

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Grammar for Biblical Greek students

Grammar for Biblical Greek students

One way to understand Biblical Greek is comparing and contrasting it with English grammar. Lack of knowledge of English grammar can be an unexpected obstacle to learning biblical Greek. Here are some basics you may want to review before embarking on learning biblical Greek.

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What are the Sacraments?

What are the Sacraments?

What are the Sacraments? What’s the difference between the Protestant view of Sacraments and the Roman Catholic view? Rome has 7 sacraments, while Protestants have 2.

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Coins in the Bible

Coins in the Bible

What’s the difference between a shekel, a denarius, and a talent? They are all coins circulating at the time of the New Testament. But one was Jewish, one Greek, and one Roman. Here’s what they were worth in relation to each other.

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