
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

What does it mean to carry your cross? Luke 14:25-35

What does it mean to carry your cross? Luke 14:25-35

Jesus said whoever does not bear his own cross cannot be his disciple. This passage can be terrifying because Jesus makes strong claims about hating your family and your own life. If we claim to follow Jesus, then we need to know exactly what he requires to be his disciple.

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What is a disciple?

What is a disciple?

The Greek word usually translated disciple simply means a student or one who learns. But it was a particular kind of student in Jesus’ day.

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Introduction to the Pentateuch

Introduction to the Pentateuch

The first five books of the Old Testament — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy — are collectively been known as the Pentateuch. The Jews usually call the Pentateuch the law or the Torah.

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2 Thessalonians Study Resources

2 Thessalonians Study Resources

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study Paul’s second epistle to the Thessalonians.

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June 2020 Reflections

June 2020 Reflections

During my study break, I will randomly offer single podcasts that illustrate good Bible study methodology or that are passages I’ve always wanted to teach. I’ve also been adding to the number of resource pages to aid you in your study.

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Word Study Shortcuts

Word Study Shortcuts

While I recommend you learn how to do your own word studies, here are some shortcuts you can take to save time, to get past “study block” or compare your ideas with someone else’s.

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The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

In Luke 14, Jesus gives a series of parables in rapid secession. They are all set at a banquet. These parables aren’t as famous as some of the other parables Jesus tells. They are relatively straightforward so they tend to get overshadowed by other parables like the prodigal son. But I think they are very profound.

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Judges of Israel Chart

Judges of Israel Chart

The book of Judges tells of the various leaders raised up to deliver Israel from the enemies remaining in the land after the conquest under Joshua. The Judges of Israel (c. 1375–1050 BC) came from various tribes and regions of Israel.

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