
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

2023 Reflections

2023 Reflections

This year I tackled two books of the Bible I’ve been wanting to teach for a long time, 1&2Thessalonians. Plus I updated my series on Galatians.

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December 2023 Reflections

December 2023 Reflections

In 2023, I created 32 podcasts and published 20 new resource pages to the library. You downloaded the podcasts 21,321 times for an average of 1,777 listens per month. You can see all the stats here if you’re interested.

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Read through the Bible

Read through the Bible

Have you decided to read through the Bible as one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s a great selection of updated plans to help you keep that resolution.

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Why Jesus Came

Why Jesus Came

The angel tells Joseph to take Mary as his wife because Mary is about to have a son through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then the angel also tells Joseph something about this son. Who does the angel say this child is?

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Wishing you an “exceptionally good Christmas” and the true joy of the season that only the peace of God in hearts can bring.

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How to have a “Mary” Christmas

How to have a “Mary” Christmas

This December you can have a Mary Christmas or a Martha Christmas. In a Martha Christmas you are so frantic doing good things that you miss the best gift of all. In a Mary Christmas you recognize what is truly important and find the best gift of all.

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Merry Christmas

Holiday Study Break

The podcast is on break for the holidays. In the meantime, please listen to a previous episode or series. May I suggest one of these

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November 2023 Reflections

November 2023 Reflections

What did you learn from Galatians? For me, it was walking by the Spirit, a topic we will explore more in the next series.

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Galatians 6:6-18 Invest in Truth

Galatians 6:6-18 Invest in Truth

In Galatians 6:6-18, Paul encourages his listeners to invest their lives in truth. We reap what we sow. If we seek teachers who flatter and entertain us, that is what we will harvest. God is not mocked. He knows what we seek.

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