
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

Loving someone with cancer

Loving someone with cancer

In an 11 month period, my mother died of breast cancer and both my mother-in-law and her mother died of lung cancer. Here’s what I learned about how to love, help and support someone living with cancer and their caretaker.

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Divine Secrets of the Yahweh Sisterhood

Divine Secrets of the Yahweh Sisterhood

Becoming a believer is in some ways like becoming a Ya-Ya. When you become a believer, not only do you gain a vertical relationship with God, you gain a horizontal relationship with other believers.

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Drawing the Doctrinal Line

Drawing the Doctrinal Line

Which of our many doctrinal differences should Christians worry about? After all, one person’s heresy is another person’s minor difference of opinion.

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What is the Glory of God?

What is the Glory of God?

When Paul writes in Ephesians 2 that believers are “growing into a holy temple in the Lord” and “being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”, he’s drawing on rich Old Testament history.

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What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

Approximately one-third of those who started a Bible reading plan in January abandon it by February. By May that number will drop to half. What if you are one of the statistics?

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