
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

How do you recognize a group which claims to represent genuine, apostolic Christianity but in reality does not? Here are 5 questions that separate “the sheep” from “the wolves.”

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7 Marks of False Teachers

7 Marks of False Teachers

I blog frequently on tips and tools for improving your Bible study skills, but what about discernment when listening to others?

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Judging other believers

Judging other believers

If a local church developed a schism such that it divided into opposing camps, both camps might be tempted to judge the other side using 1 John 2:9-:11. But the Apostle John did not write these verses to be a club to condemn each other.

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Marriage God’s Way

Marriage God’s Way

Even the best couples are constantly working on their marriage. Join David & Krisan Marotta (married 31 years) as they examine what the Bible has to say about the commitment of marriage.

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God is light

God is light

In 1 John, the Apostle John is writing to clarify the true gospel from the false gospels spreading through the early church. His first point is God is holy and you are not.

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What is the Word of Life?

What is the Word of Life?

Is the gospel message of the Word of Life, a “pie in the sky” other worldly gospel? Suppose I give a starving person enough food to eat to this week and next week she starves. Have I failed?

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11 Romans 8.1-12 Deliverance from Sin

11 Romans 8.1-12 Deliverance from Sin

Most believers waste time trying to figure out how “to do” Christianity better. We search the Scriptures and self-help books looking for the “12 steps to faith,” “5 steps to better Christian living,” “3 keys to grace”, etc. I’ve got good news and bad news.

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