
Latest Blog Posts from Wednesday in the Word, the podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.

Parables of Jesus

Parables of Jesus

Parables are serious theology. But they are metaphorical theology. They teach through metaphor, simile, and dramatic action rather than through logic or reasoning,drawing us into the story.

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Do I choose God or does God choose me?

Do I choose God or does God choose me?

You may never have thought this question through. You may be inconsistent in how you live it out. But how you answer some basic theological questions makes a world of difference in daily life.

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NT Wright and Eleanor Bramwell

NT Wright and Eleanor Bramwell

Are we to believe NT Wright, like Dr. Bramwell, is the first to get it right? Should we so easily brush away “centuries of theological tradition”? Chronological snobbery cuts both ways.

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Bible Study Tools #3: Concordances

Bible Study Tools #3: Concordances

A concordance is an organized list of all the biblical texts which contain a given word. Concordances allow you to broaden your understanding of how a word is used and its range of meanings.

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Prayer and rain: Does God answer prayer?

Prayer and rain: Does God answer prayer?

Why should I have confidence that God answers my prayers? According to James, I have confidence that my prayers will be answered because of who is answering my prayer, not because my prayer is perfect, powerful or articulate.

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