Enjoy this is a 22 minute Christmas concert from Reggie Coates.
My solution to the Great Pastor Resignation
A national survey revealed that 42% of pastors considered quitting and many already have. Here’s how one church avoided that problem.
Do we work at sanctification? A lesson in discernment
Examining the connection between ideas is a useful tool for Bible study and discernment. As practice in discernment, find the wrong turn in the following argument.
How to cultivate foolishness
No one sets out to be a fool. Yet sometimes we all stumble into the trap. Here are 7 steps to cultivate stupidity.
25 Most Popular Icebreakers
Over my years as Women’s Ministry Director, I collected a lot of ice breakers. After all you can’t use the same 4 ice breakers at the same ministry events year after year. But when ones are best? According to research, these are the 25 most popular.
Why Jesus came, a Christmas message
The angel tells Joseph something about this son Mary will have. Who does the angel say this child is?
Christmas Carol Sing
Enjoy this is a 30 minute video of Reggie Coates leading 10 Christmas songs that you can sing-a-long with and be drawn into the Christmas season with a focus on Jesus.
What does it mean to fear God?
In biblical terms, the word “fear” does not usually focus on feelings of terror or fright. “Fear” is a motivating emotion. We use “fear” to determine what we will do in any given situation.
How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?
How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? First, we can examine what the Bible claims about itself.
Why bother with Jesus when I’ve got it made?
Professor Ken Elzinga answers the question: If your life is going great, why should you bother with Jesus?
What is Theology?
“One is sometimes (not often) glad not to be a great theologian; one might so easily mistake it for being a good Christian.” – C.S. Lewis
Ken Elzinga welcomes UVA parents
It has become a tradition for Professor Ken Elzinga give a welcome address to new University of Virginia students and their parents during Move-In Day Lunches at the Center for Christian Study. Here is 2020 his message to parents of incoming students.