Enjoy this is a 22 minute Christmas concert from Reggie Coates.
Why Jesus came, a Christmas message
The angel tells Joseph something about this son Mary will have. Who does the angel say this child is?
Christmas Carol Sing
Enjoy this is a 30 minute video of Reggie Coates leading 10 Christmas songs that you can sing-a-long with and be drawn into the Christmas season with a focus on Jesus.
Have a Mary Christmas Luke 10:38-42
This December you can have a Mary Christmas or a Martha Christmas. Learn the difference.
How to take the bite out of gift-giving
How can anything that fits under a Christmas tree transform the life of the recipient from misery to joy?
An exceptionally good Christmas
Alone and cold in a German prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “I think we are going to have an exceptionally good Christmas.” As I sit in warmth and comfort, I wonder at his words.
The meaning of Christmas
What is there to celebrate about Christmas? I’d like to answer that question by looking at one of my favorite Christmas stories: Job. The hope that sustained Job sitting on that ash heap, scraping at his boils, is the knowledge that he had a Redeemer who was born on Christmas day.