The biblical picture of prayer is not that it is a spiritual discipline that I use to reach a higher spiritual level. Rather prayer is an unavoidable mandatory battlefield in the war of faith.
Does Spiritual Formation seek the right kind of change?
Not only does the theology of spiritual formation aim at the wrong target, spiritual formation seeks the wrong kind of change. While spiritual disciplines focus on success at outward righteous behavior, the Bible teaches that the goal of spiritual maturity is a strong unshakeable faith.
Is Spiritual Formation shooting at the right target?
The theology of Spiritual Formation sounds great on paper, but it is focused on the wrong target. Spiritual formation is “an intentional Christian practice with the goal of developing spiritual maturity that leads to Christ-likeness.” The central claim of...
What is worship?
If you think that worship equals singing, A Taste of Heaven: Worship in the Light of Eternity by RC Sproul is a must-read book for you.
Does Spiritual Formation work? Answers from Haggai
"Spiritual formation" is a hot topic today. But does it work? The Old Testament prophet Haggai would answer no. Spiritual formation is "an intentional Christian practice with the goal of developing spiritual maturity that leads to Christ-likeness." ...
The Boy Jesus in the Temple and what that teaches us about Bible Study
How could a 12-year old astonish the best theologians of his day? Why was the knowledge of Jesus radically different than everyone else?
Drawing the Doctrinal Line
Which of our many doctrinal differences should Christians worry about? After all, one person’s heresy is another person’s minor difference of opinion.
Why I reject Emergent Theology
Emergent Theology claims theological certainty is an idol, but Paul claims the authority to speak on behalf of God.
5 Questions to Identify a Cult
How do you recognize a group which claims to represent genuine, apostolic Christianity but in reality does not? Here are 5 questions that separate “the sheep” from “the wolves.”
7 Marks of False Teachers
I blog frequently on tips and tools for improving your Bible study skills, but what about discernment when listening to others?
God is light
In 1 John, the Apostle John is writing to clarify the true gospel from the false gospels spreading through the early church. His first point is God is holy and you are not.
Why calling does not begin with marriage
Does God have a “one-plan-fits-all” calling for women: marry, conceive children, raise children and become a grandmother?