How To Study
5W’s and H

5W’s and H

You may have been taught to create a list of questions, using the “5Ws and H” (who, what, when, where, why, how). If you need some help learning how to use the “5Ws and H”, here are some questions to get you started.

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How to use context

How to use context

When learning how to study the Bible, you’ve probably heard the expression “context is king”, meaning context is the arbitrator that rules a particular interpretation valid or not. But how do you use context to decide between possible interpretations?

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Improve your Bible study in 20 minutes

Improve your Bible study in 20 minutes

Want to improve your bible study skills? Got 20 minutes? Listen to the Renewing Your Mind podcast. This week (February 2017) RC Sproul is podcasting from his series “Knowing Scripture”, which covers interpreting and applying Scripture properly. Each podcast lasts about 20 minutes, which is perfect for listening while you drive. Time well spent!

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