The different functions words can perform in a sentence are called cases. In Greek, case — not word order — indicates the word’s function in a sentence, making it important to understand cases.
Prepositions – Biblical Greek
Here’s my running summary of Greek prepositions and their main meanings depending on case.
Grammar for Biblical Greek students
One way to understand Biblical Greek is comparing and contrasting it with English grammar. Lack of knowledge of English grammar can be an unexpected obstacle to learning biblical Greek. Here are some basics you may want to review before embarking on learning biblical Greek.
Psalms of Praise: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for praise psalms.
Psalms of Lament: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for lament psalms.
Psalms of Thanksgiving: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for Thanksgiving psalms.
How to understand the Gospels
The gospels are unique in content, although they are similar in form to ancient biographies.
Revelation: Understanding Apocalyptic literature
Apocalyptic literature is a sub-category of prophecy. The name comes from the Greek word apocalypsis which means uncovering or unveiling.
Should I learn Greek & Hebrew?
After a few years of Bible study, students often begin asking, “Should I learn biblical Greek and Hebrew?” While the tools for English readers continue to improve and less people are learning the original languages, knowing the original languages can be helpful. You can learn enough to widen the tools available to you and/or learn to read Scripture in the original language.
Interpretation terms defined
Exegesis, eisegesis, hermeneutics? Wondering what all those terms mean? Here’s the definitions.
Augustine’s Principles of Interpretation
Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, was a theologian and philosopher who lived from 354-430 AD. He is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers, and his writings influenced the development of Western philosophy. Here are his principles of interpretation.
Word Study Shortcuts
While I recommend you learn how to do your own word studies, here are some shortcuts you can take to save time, to get past “study block” or compare your ideas with someone else’s.