What is
When did the Exodus happen?

When did the Exodus happen?

When it comes to biblical history, you can divide scholars into minimalists and maximalists. Minimalists believe almost nothing in the Old Testament is historically accurate. Maximalists believe the Old Testament is a reasonably accurate historical document. Among the maximalists, there are two main competing theories about the date of the Exodus: early and late.

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What is Good Friday?

What is Good Friday?

Since churches have had to move their services online, I took advantage of the opportunity to “attend” about 10 different Good Friday services. This was my favorite.

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What are spiritual gifts?

What are spiritual gifts?

Contrary to the popular view, I understand spiritual gifts as roles and opportunities to serve, rather than supernaturally given talents. For example, if I have the “gift of teaching,” the gift is the opportunity to teach, not the talent to teach.

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What is an egalitarian?

What is an egalitarian?

The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the egalitarian position.

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