The podcast is on break for some much needed study time before we start a new series.
April 2023 Reflections
We finished 1Thessalonians in April and will start 2Thessalonians in May. I will finally teach a passage I’ve avoided for a long time: Paul’s discussion of the end times in chapter 2. It will be interesting!
March 2023 Reflections
I avoided teaching 1&2Thessalonians for a long time, because of the passages on the end times (e.g 1Thessalonians 4 and 2Thessalonians 2). But I wanted to teach them because of Paul’s advice for living your life now in 1Thessalonians 4-5. Those passages seem particularly applicable in today’s upside world. I hope you learn as much as I did.
February 2023 Reflections
In March I’ll be starting a new series on 1&2Thessalonians. In his letters to the Thessalonians, Paul teaches a young church facing persecution how to live between the first and second coming of Christ. I hope you’ll join me.
January 2023 Reflections
New Series: Marriage, Forming a more perfect union. No more wandering toward the altar. Here’s a better way to get from single to married.
2022 Reflections
I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I have reached the stage of life that Tevye dreamed about in his song “If I were a rich man.” This podcast allows me to spend many hours every day in prayer and Bible study, for which I am very thankful. Truth be told, I’d do it even if know one else listened. But it’s nice to be able to share the “wealth.”
December 2022 Reflections
Thanks to all of you who listened to all 65 episodes on the Gospel of Matthew! It’s been an incredible journey for me and I hope for you, too. What’s been your favorite part? Anything that surprised you? Something you never understood before? Anything make more sense now? I’d love to hear from you!
November 2022 Reflections
Why did so many people reject Jesus when they saw him face to face? For people who are self-satisfied and indifferent to God, miracles change nothing. They believe they already have wisdom.
October 2022 Reflections
After receiving direct revelation from God that Jesus was the Messiah, why did John the Baptist send his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the One? In his answer, Jesus basically says: “Focus on what I am doing, instead of what I’m not doing.” We’ll develop that theme of Jesus as the unexpected Messiah in Matthew 11.
Reggie’s Home Concert 1
Enjoy Reggie Coates in his first 1-hour long home concert. Reggie streamed this concert during the COVID lock down.
Celebrate! by Reggie Coates
This is Reggie Coates playing and singing his song Celebrate! Jesus makes life worth living and celebrating! Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing to the Lord a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy!”
How to slow down a podcast
My international listeners tell me they sometimes have trouble keeping up, because English is not their first language. If you find you aren’t catching everything, you can slow down the podcast. Most podcast apps have a speed adjustment.