April 2022 Reflections

April 2022 Reflections

After studying the Sabbath, it seems appropriate take a break from the podcast. Then we’ll resume our study of the Gospel of Matthew. We’ll pick up in chapter 8 where Matthew begins to highlight the authority of Jesus.

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March 2022 Reflections

March 2022 Reflections

What is the Sabbath? Why does God command it? Did Jesus change it? When do we get to enjoy it? And how can God justify resting when so much work remains to be done?  We’ll tackle these questions in the April podcasts series: Sabbath: Why, how and when.

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February 2022 Reflections

February 2022 Reflections

In February we finished the first 8 chapters of Matthew’s gospel, which completed the Sermon on the Mount. After 4 weeks on the Old Testament book of Habakkuk, we’ll start on new series on 1&2 Thessalonians, before returning to Matthew.

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January 2022 Reflections

January 2022 Reflections

We’ll finish the Sermon on the Mount in mid-February. What to study next? The poll results were evenly split between the Old and New Testaments (35% each) with the rest voting for “topical” and 1 vote for “anything.” So . . . I’ve decided to take a break from Matthew and study the Old Testament book of Habakkuk.

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2021 Reflections

2021 Reflections

I spent 2021 in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 1-7. Teaching through the Sermon on the Mount has long been on my bucket list of passages to teach and I'm grateful to have reached that goal. If it were actually possible to compile a list of the "Bible's Greatest Hits,"...

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December 2021 Reflections

December 2021 Reflections

We have some really interesting passages left in the Sermon on on the Mount: store up treasures in heaven; do not be anxious about your life; don’t throw pearls to the pigs; seek and you will find; the golden rule and not everyone who says “Lord Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven. We’ll cover those in January-February and then I’m taking a break before starting the next series.

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November 2021 Reflections

November 2021 Reflections

I hope you've been enjoying our study of the Lord's prayer. It's something most of us routinely say but don't often study. I plan to finish the Lord's Prayer in December, finish the Sermon on the Mount in January, and then start a new series after a break. We'll come...

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September 2021 Reflections

September 2021 Reflections

We can have all the knowledge in the universe, but if we don’t fear the Lord, the Bible calls us fools. The fear of the Lord is the necessary ingredient that turns knowledge into wisdom. In that way, our righteousness must surpass that of the scribes and the Pharisees.

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August 2021 Reflections

August 2021 Reflections

The Wednesday in the Word podcast is on break to celebrate the arrival of my newest grandchild! We’ll return to the Gospel of Matthew in mid-September. We finished the beatitudes We’ll pick up with the “Antitheses.”

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Family break

Family break

The podcast is on break to celebrate the arrival of my newest grandchild. We’ll return to the Gospel of Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount in mid-September.

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July 2021 Reflections

July 2021 Reflections

WitW: Do you interpret the Bible literally? I’m often asked as if no self-respecting adult would do such a thing. Of course, I do! Interpreting the Bible literally means interpreting it according to the way it was written.

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