What does Jesus mean when he says ‘before Abraham was, I am?” Traditionally seen as a declaration of divinity, context suggests Jesus intends to highlight his role as the Messiah.
16 The Light of the World (John 8:12-47)
Jesus came to offer his life to free us from the condemnation that we deserve. Now he add something new: he also came to free us from slavery to sin.
15 The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11)
Many Bibles omit the account of the woman caught in adultery because of questions about its authenticity. Despite these textual debates, the interesting narrative reveals profound truths about grace, humility and judgment.
14 Who is Jesus? (John 7)
Who is Jesus? The people respond with belief, confusion and awe over Jesus’ teachings. These responses reflect our complex relationship to truth.
13 The Bread of Life (John 6)
John 6 opens with two famous miracles: feeding 5,000 people and Jesus walking on water. What makes this chapter intriguing is John does not focus on the miracles, but on their aftermath—the dialogue that follows.
12 Sabbath Conflict and the Authority of Jesus (John 5)
Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath. Instead of marveling at this miracle, the Jewish leaders are incensed by the violation of their strict Sabbath laws.
11 True Worship: The Woman at the Well, Part 2 (John 4)
While exploring his theme of belief, John teaches us about worship and hungering for God’s will.
10 Living Water: The Woman at the Well, Part 1 (John 4)
John adds a new twist to his theme of testimony and belief: this time the believers are the hated Samaritans. John explores three themes this chapter. We examine the first theme in this podcast.
09 John the Baptist: Forerunner to Follower (John 3:22-36)
John the Baptist decreases: In this narrative, John affirms his contentment and joy with following God’s plan for him.
08 Nicodemus: For God so loved the world (John 3:14-21)
Nicodemus approaches Jesus as a truth-seeker who acknowledges Jesus is a teacher from God. Jesus warns him four ways that’s not enough to gain eternal life.
07 Nicodemus: You must be born again (John 3:1-13)
Jesus challenges Nicodemus four ways. First, he tells Nicodemus seeking truth and responding to miracles are not enough to enter the kingdom of heaven.
06 Jesus Cleanses the Temple: Understanding His Authority (John 2:13-25)
Jesus cleanses the temple, provoking the leaders to demand a sign of his authority. No one understood his answer until later.