John adds a new twist to his theme of testimony and belief: this time the believers are the hated Samaritans. John explores three themes this chapter. We examine the first theme in this podcast.
09 John the Baptist: Forerunner to Follower (John 3:22-36)
John the Baptist decreases: In this narrative, John affirms his contentment and joy with following God’s plan for him.
08 Nicodemus: For God so loved the world (John 3:14-21)
Nicodemus approaches Jesus as a truth-seeker who acknowledges Jesus is a teacher from God. Jesus warns him four ways that’s not enough to gain eternal life.
07 Nicodemus: You must be born again (John 3:1-13)
Jesus challenges Nicodemus four ways. First, he tells Nicodemus seeking truth and responding to miracles are not enough to enter the kingdom of heaven.
06 Jesus Cleanses the Temple: Understanding His Authority (John 2:13-25)
Jesus cleanses the temple, provoking the leaders to demand a sign of his authority. No one understood his answer until later.
05 Jesus turns Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
Only the disciples and a few servants saw Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding at Cana. John highlights how this quiet miracle confirmed their belief that Jesus is the Christ.
04 Jesus calls the First Disciples (John 1:34-51)
The Apostle John explains how the first disciples moved from curious followers to apostles entrusted with spreading the gospel.
02 In the Beginning was the Word (John 1:1-18)
John 1:1-18: The Apostle John starts his gospel with a prologue that introduces 3 key themes that resonate throughout the book.
01 Gospel of John Introduction
This episode kicks off a new season on the Gospel of John. We delve into the what we know about the author, the Apostle John, and review the unique characteristics of this gospel, as compared to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke).
Who was John?
John was one of the 12 apostles, the author of the fourth gospel, three letters, and the book of Revelation.
John’s use of the Old Testament
The Apostle John’s use of the Old Testament in his gospel and his letters.
11 1 John 5:13-21 Confidence in the Gospel
John concludes his letter saying believers can have confidence about three things: 1) that you have eternal life, 2) that your sin cannot jeopardize that life and 3) that this gospel message is true.